Friday, August 12, 2016

Week 3

In this week Contact lesson, we were supposed to critique several video prototypes to get an ideas on how to improve the quality of our video due soon. The videos were called : Brisbane ParkFinder, PadMapper Explainer and EmberLight.

  • Brisbane Parkfinder: Both audio and video quality was poor which made it hard to understand. The lack of and planning evidenced by the presenter from using unstructured talking points made it hard to get the idea of the video and lose interest about the product.

  •  PadMapper Explainer: The video incorporated elements of humor to its good production quality which made me very interested about the website right away. I was able to know the purpose of the product due to the good production quality of the video.

  • EmberLight: The professional video quality and the presentation made very interested about the product. The only issue was the presenter speaking in a lower volume than the music playing in the background which made a bit annoying to listen to.

My Project:

My idea is a mashup of pacman and operator. The idea is to eat all fruits in a maze before the time runs out or score goes lower than zero. The maze consists of the player, the dots and the fruits that need to be eaten.
A fruit can only be eaten if the player has sufficient points for it to be eaten (e.g berry requires 30 points to be collected). The points are added by eating the dots around the map and the player can freeze a timer when they reach the required score to collect a fruit. Eating a fruit with the required score will increase the score but eating one with the player's score being higher or lower than required will cause the player to lose score and time. The player wins if all fruits are collected and loses if the timer runs out or the score goes lower than 0. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Week 2


In week 2 contact session, we discussed about how people interact with electronic devices at home and the process of using them. The topic also covered the idea of using mixed virtual reality to improve the design of a home appliance. For example, to turn on a ps4 and play a game, the user has to:

  1. Use the controller to turn on the console
  2. Choose to play
  3. Launch the game
  4. Power off the console after playing
To improve the process with by implementing several aspects of VR such as:
  1. Swipe the TV to switch on the ps4
  2. Perform an aim gesture at the disc port to launch a game
  3. Turn back from ps4 to switch it off
It was interesting learning about the application of VR in our everyday lives because it will soon become a reality. We also discussed some basic ideas to do for the first prototype in contact class as it due soon.


This week's prac A and B involved more about creating and designing new ideas to test. The suites could be about:
  • Designing a wearable device that embrasses or draws attention to a rude person.
  • Mashup 2 games from different genres
  • Augmenting everyday life.
I haven't decided on what on create but it is likely to be about game mashup. In addition to that, we also learned a bit about video editing and I have to admit I found it hard to do.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Week 1

What do YOU think a prototype is?
My idea of a prototype is about testing a product and gather feedback before its releasing the final product.

What form does it take?

A prototype can exist in different forms. It can be virtual or it can be crude just to demonstrate how will the final product will look like.

What do you need to make one?

You need a clear idea of the product you're making and the purpose of it. Good prototypes can't be created if someone has a vague idea in his mind.

When would you create one?

When I have a clear idea on what do I need to do and I want to test concepts to test whether I can progress with it or I need to make some changes to my product.